
CDP Choline / Citicoline / 987-78-0 / Cytidine 5’- diphosphocholine

CDP Choline / Citicoline / 987-78-0 / Cytidine 5- diphosphocholine
Citicoline (Cytidine 5- diphosphocholine) is a mononucleotide composed of ribose,
cytosine, pyrophosphate and choline that is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids.
Citicoline is a powerful anti-aging ingredient that has been used internationally for the
promotion of optimal neural and cognitive function. Scientific studies with Citicoline have
indicated effectiveness in maintaining normal cognitive function with aging.

An odorless, white crystalline powder

Chemical Data
CAS No.: 987-78-0
Formula: C14H25N4O11P2
Molecular Weight: 488.33
Structural formula:

Clinic Data
CDP-choline (cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine) is a unique form of choline that readily passes through the blood-brain barrier directly into brain tissue. CDP-choline is a rate-limiting intermediate in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, an important component of the neural cell membrane. CDP-choline has been found to be of value in studies on animals and humans.

CDP-choline (cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine) is also known by its drug name, Citicholine. Citicoline is approved as a drug in Europe and Japan for use in stroke, head trauma, and other neurological disorders. It is presently being evaluated in phase II/III stroke trials in the United States. (D'Orlando and Sandage 1995)

Choline and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) are used to produce acetylcholine, the major neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses between neurons. Choline is also needed for cell membrane integrity, and to move fats in and out of cells. Choline is, therefore, essential for proper brain function as the brain is composed of millions of nerve cells and is composed almost entirely of fats. CDP-choline may reduce central nervous system ischemic injury by stabilizing cell membranes and reducing free radical generation.

Animal Studies of CDP Choline
There have been five animal studies conducted on CDP-Choline:
CDP-choline alone and in combination with urokinase resulted in a significant decrease in neuronal damage in a study on rats with focal ischemia induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. (Shuaib, Yang et al. 2000)

CDP-choline was shown to significantly attenuate blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction after transient forebrain ischemia was induced in gerbils. CDP-choline substantially attenuated edema at 3 days and reduced neuronal death after 6-day reperfusion. (Rao, Hatcher et al. 1999)

In a study of rats with induced carotid artery embolisms, CDP-choline was shown to reduce the median infarct size from 37% in the control group to 22% at a dose of 250 mg/kg and 11% at a dose of 500 mg/kg. CDP-choline was also studied in combination with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). The infarct size was 24% with rtPA 5 mg/kg, 11% with rtPA and 250 mg/kg CDP-choline, and 19% with rtPA and 500 mg/kg CDP-choline. (Andersen, Overgaard et al. 1999)

A study examined the effects of CDP-choline with medial cerebral artery occlusion induced in spontaneous hypertensive rats. CDP-choline significantly improved behavioral dysfunction. (Aronowski, Strong et al. 1996)

A study of CDP-choline used to treat ischemia induced in rats demonstrated that CDP-choline significantly reduced infarct volume with a trend towards reducing brain edema and mortality. (Schabitz, Weber et al. 1996)

Human Studies of CDP Choline
Four studies of intravenously administered CDP-choline have been conducted outside the United States:
A multi-center double-blind placebo-controlled study of citicoline (1000 mg per day intravenously for 14 days was conducted on patients with acute, moderate to severe cerebral infarction. One hundred thirty-three patients received CDP-choline treatment, and 139 received placebo. The group treated with CDP-choline showed significant improvements in level of consciousness compared with the placebo-treated group, and CDP-choline was an entirely safe treatment. (Tazaki, Sakai et al. 1988)

A double-blind placebo-controlled study of citicoline (750 mg per day intravenously for 10 days) used within 48 hours of stroke onset showed a significant improvement on a quantified neurological assessment scale rating motor strength, muscular force, sensation, higher cortical function, and ambulation at 90 days. Patients treated with citicoline were significantly more likely to be ambulatory compared with placebo-treated patients at 90 days. (Goyas, Bastard et al. 1980)

A second double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous citicoline (250 mg three times a day for 10 days) in stroke patients treated within 48 hours of their symptoms found that a significantly higher percentage of patients had a very good to fairly good recovery with citicoline versus placebo treatment at 10 days after stroke. (Boudouresques and Michel 1980)

A small double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of citicoline (1000 mg per day of intravenous for 30 days) or placebo in 19 patients with acute stroke treated within 48 hours. In comparison to their baseline assessments, 76% of the citicoline-treated patients demonstrated improvement compared with only 31% of the placebo-treated patients. (Corso, Arena et al. 1982)

Where Can I Buy CDP Choline / Citicoline / 987-78-0 / Cytidine 5- diphosphocholine?
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply CDP Choline / Citicoline / 987-78-0 / Cytidine 5- diphosphocholine  with trusted quality and moderate price. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com


Nigella Sativa Seed Oil / Black Cumin Seed Oil/ Black Seed/ Habbatus Sauda/ Thymoquinone (TQ)

(1) Clearance
Contrary to its common name Black Cumin Seed, and often mistaken with Black Sesame Seed, the Black Seed has no connection to the Cumin or Sesame family. The Black Seed is in fact taken from the Nigella Sativa plant- a herb that originates in Western Asia and is classified as part of the Buttercup a family.
(2) What s the plant
The Nigella Sativa plant usually grows to about 16-24 inches in height and has white flowers when in bloom. The deep black, sharp-cornered rectangular seeds (no longer than 3 mm) found in the flowers are the part of the plant that is used for the preparation of Black Seed products.

(3) About the Black Seed
Black Seed herb contains over 100 components, many of which still remain to be discovered. It is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and contains about 35% oil, 21% protein, and 38% carbohydrates. More than 50% of the oil are essential fatty acids. Its linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid content help form Prostaglandin E1, which helps the body to inhibit infections, balances the immune system, and regulates allergic reactions. Gamma-linolenic acid also helps stabilize the cell membrane. Black Seed also contains about 0.5-1.5% volatile oils including Nigellone and Thymoquinone which have been researched for anti-histamine, anti-oxidant, anti-infective, and broncho-dialating effects.

(4) About the Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil is derived from cold-pressing Nigella Sativa seeds. The cold-pressed method of deriving Black Seed Oil ensures that the chemical properties of the Black Seed are retained. Other methods to extract that oil involving heat, may alter or even destroy the complex properties of Black Seed.

(5) Amazing !!!
Free radical-scavenging effects
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
Spasmolytic and bronchodilatatory effects
Anti-infective effects
Anti-toxic effects
Effects on blood coagulation
Effects on glucose metabolism
Anti-tumourous effects
Anti-convulsant and other neuropharmacological effects

(6) Safety
Black Seed is a multi-faceted herb with many benefits to help the body's natural defenses. Since it has a long history of use for several thousand years, and there is no negative reports about its use. It has no known side effects, a safe herb can be used by anybody.

(7) Where to buy
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply black cumin seed oil and black cumin seed extracts (5%, 10%, 98% thymoquinone) with trusted quality and moderate price. Our black cumin seed oil is Slow Cold Pressed, 100% pure, no solvent, no pesticide, NON-GMO, Unfiltered / Unrefined, free from gluten, heavy metals, and preservatives. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com


99.9% Pharmaceutical-Grade N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid / NMDA / 6384-92-5 / testosterone booster/ muscle enhancement

99.9% Pharmaceutical-Grade N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid / NMDA / 6384-92-5 / testosterone booster/ muscle enhancement

Product Information
Product name: N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid or N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
Chemical Name:(2R)-2-(methylamino)butanedioic acid
CAS No: 6384-92-5
Formula: C5H9NO4
Molecular mass: 147.13 g/mol
Assay: 99%
Benefits: testosterone booster,muscle enhancement
Applied areas: bodybuilding, sports nutrition,male enhancement,supplement

N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) is a synthetic agonist of the NMDA receptor that mimics the binding action of the endogenous ligand glutamate. The NMDA receptor is a voltage-gated ion channel closely involved in memory, in spatial learning and perturbing the normal behavior of this receptor system with NMDA exposure has facilitated elucidation of NMDA receptor-mediated activities.
NMDA is a glutamate-like excitatory substance and is a particularly potent excitant. NMDA binds to NMDA-receptor and interacts with it. This interaction causes a conformational change in the receptor or associated membrane molecules, which opened pores to allow extracellular sodium ions to flow down their electrochemical gradient and depolarise the cell. However, NMDA is proved to be a poor substrate for the uptake transporters, suggesting that the excitatory effect could not be an indirect consequence of glutamate uptake. Besides that, NMDA is found to increase intracellular calcium and release arachidonic acid, both of which generate oxygen radicals, subsequently inducing neuronal death.

N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) VS d-aspartic acid (DAA)

NMDA has been proven to be 100x stronger than D-Aspartic Acid! Until now, the only way to activate the NMDA receptors is by using a relatively weak NMDA receptor activator, D-Aspartic Acid. D-Aspartic Acid quickly became popular when people studies revealed it could raise their testosterone by 42% in as little as 12 days. While that may sound remarkable, it has been clinically proven that while D-Aspartic Acid can activate the NMDA receptor, pure NMDA can activate the NMDA receptor more than 100x (10,000%) more effectively! So you may ask why do most supplement companies only offer the weaker version- D-Aspartic Acid (DAA). Pharmaceutical-grade NMDA costs over 20 times more than DAA but is 100 times more potent! NMDA 100 contains an incredible 100mg of pure NMDA that will be delivered straight to NMDA receptors that can then lead to unimaginable hormonal elevation! Other products claiming to contain NMDA, but very few contain 99.9% pure NMDA, and none of them deliver 100mg of this potent compound!

Effects of N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA)
N-methyl-d-aspartic acid is usually supplemented as a testosterone booster, testosterone enhancer, testosterone amplifier and thus good for increasing muscle strength, and other bodybuilding enhancements.


Through extensive scientific research and beta testing, we discovered that n-methyl-d-aspartate was up to 100Xs more potent at increasing testosterone that regular D-Aspartic Acid (D-Asp is the precursor to NMDA). We also discovered that both worked better when used together (synergism). Utilizing this methodology, we figured out that a precise ratio of these two aminos, with a greatly reduced dosing (but a more regular interval), worked even better than either of them did alone. Plus, with our potent synergistic array of other ingredients, a dosing protocol of 3 times per day was selected to provide a natural and steady state stimulation of the HPTA axis all day long for maximum effectiveness!
Here when we talk about the relationship between N-methyl-d-aspartic acid and bodybuilding, in fact, we talk about the relation between testosterone and bodybuilding. Testosterone not only enhances athletic performance, builds mass muscles, but also sharpens memory, boosts libido, improves energy levels, and fat loss, etc, which are the main content of bodybuilding exercises.

Where Can I Buy NMDA?
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply 99% N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid / NMDA / 6384-92-5 with trusted quality and moderate price. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com


High purity Antarctic Krill Oil / a more effective source of Omega-3 (EPA + DHA) / Astaxanthin

Product Information :
Krill oil is an extract prepared from a species of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
The Antarctic krill, with its scientific name in Latin Euphausia Superba, is the bottom feeder of the food chain in the ecological system, implying that they rarely accept accumulated contaminants from advanced animals.
The most important components in krill oil are omega-3 fatty acids, Phospholipids, and Astaxanthin.

Difference between krill oil and fish oil :
Krill oil and oceanic fish oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, mainly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In krill oil, bound mostly to phospholipids. In fish oil, mostly incorporated into triglycerides. Both contain some EPA and DHA as free fatty acids. Krill oil contains choline-containing phospholipids and a phosphatidylcholine concentration of 34 grams per 100 grams of oil. Another difference is that krill oil contains astaxanthin at 0.1 to 1.5 mg/mL depending on processing methods, and is responsible for providng krill oil its red color.

Health Benefits :

Significant Improvement in Cardiovascular Health!
54x-More-Powerful-Than-Fish-OilResults from a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that krill oil can significantly help maintain healthy inflammatory pathways. The study was conducted by measuring the presence of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the blood. One way to measure the risk of cardiovascular health is to determine the amount of the bodys CRP levels. The lower the CRP levels, the healthier the heart. Participants of the study were divided into two groups; a placebo and krill oil group.
During the study, CRP levels were measured three times: at the beginning of the study, after seven days and after 14 days. Here are the results they found
After 7 days, the placebo groups CRP levels increased by 15.7 % while the krill oil group REDUCED their CRP levels by 19.3%
After 14 days levels in the placebo group increased again by 32.1% while the group that had been taking 300 mg of krill oil daily reduced their CRP levels by 29.7%!

Suppressing Chronic Inflammation and Easing Pain
 Decreasing inflammatory precursor cells
 Inflammatory cell permeability
 Reduce inflammation reaction
 Pre-menstrual syndrome, lower analgesic dosage
 Improve joint inflammation symptom (such as pain, stiffness and
 function decline)

Brain Health
Normal cognitive function is supported by Omega-3 and phospholipids, which are vital nutrients found in krill oil. Many studies across various populations show that Omega-3 EPA and DHA help support memory, mood and attention. Omega-3 helps the brain to function optimally and is equally important for adults, children and infants.
Regarded as the fattest organ in the human body, the brain may consist of at least 60 percent fat, with DHA being the most abundant fatty acid. DHA plays a key structural and functional role for brain health, and its levels naturally decline during the aging process. Supplementing with Omega-3 DHA maintain brain health and sharp, mental acuity.

It eases PMS symptoms
Researchers don't fully understand how omega-3 fatty acids reduce physical symptoms of PMS, but at least some of the effects are believed to be caused by the anti-inflammatory properties of the fatty acids. Since omega-3 fatty acids appear to regulate hormones and neurotransmitters by correcting the balance of fatty acids in the body, fish and marine oils may reduce PMS's emotional symptoms by influencing hormone and neurotransmitter levels.

Characters & Advantages :
Phospholipid-bound omega-3s
Natural antioxidant astaxanthin
Easily absorbed Omega-3
No impurities, no additives, no pollution
Sparkling bright red
Good fluidity, easy filling
Soluble in water

Where Can I Buy Krill Oil ?
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply krill oil with trusted quality and moderate price. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com


Mulberry Leaf Extract / 1-DNJ / sugar-blocker / beat diabetes & cholesterol

Mulberry Leaf Extract / 1-DNJ / sugar-blocker / beat diabetes & cholesterol
Product Information
Product NameMulberry Leaf Extract
Brief IntroductionMulberry Leaf Extract, naturally obtained from dried leaf of Morus alba L. through refine, concentration and drying.
Ingredients1-Deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ)
                  Mulberry Leaf polysaccharide
                  Mulberry Leaf flavone
                  5:1 ; 10:1 ; 20:1

Active Ingredient : 1-Deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ)
Cas # : 19130-96-2
Molecule formula : C6H13NO4
Molecule weight : 163.17
Molecule structure :
Product Description
Mulberry leaves have a high nutrient and antioxidant profile. They contain a wide variety of nutrients, including proteins, sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids (iso-quercitrin), steroids, triterpenes, vitamins, and minerals.
Research has been focused on the use of muberry leaf extract as a significant medicine for type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, as well as other health benefits.
ü Control Blood Sugar Levels
ü Block Metabolism of Sugar
ü Promotes Weight Loss
ü Lowers Cholesterol Levels
ü Prevent Diabetes
ü Insulin sensitivity and improving insulin resistance

Inhibiting activities against a-glycosidase

Where Can I Buy Mulberry Leaf Extract?
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply mulberry leaf extracts with trusted quality and moderate price. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com


Common Fenugreek Seed Extract/ Trigonelline, 4-hydroxyisoleucine/ healthy glucose and cholesterol levels / therapeutic potential for diabetes

Common Fenugreek Seed Extract/ Trigonelline, 4-hydroxyisoleucine/ healthy glucose and cholesterol levels / therapeutic potential for diabetes

What is Fenugreek Seed Extract?
Fenugreek is the seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. It is a herb and is widely used as a spice in cooking in Asia and southeastern Europe. It gives a distinct flavor to the food. It is an annual plant with lush leaves. It is grown mostly India, central and South America, and Africa. The seeds are brown in color and are a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and minerals. The active components of the seeds are trigonelline, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, sotolin, gentianine and carpaine.
   Trigonelline  Cas #: 535-83-1 Molecule Formula : C7H7NO2

Hydroxyisoleucine  Cas # :781658-23-9 Molecule Formula : C6H13NO3

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds are rich source of trigonelline, lysine and l-tryptophan. The seeds also contain a large amount of saponins and fibers that could account for many health benefits of fenugreek.

Increases Breast Milk - Fenugreek is used as a galactagogue by nursing mothers to increase inadequate breast milk supply. This is evidenced by a study which found that consumption of herbal tea containing fenugreek seeds enhanced breast milk production in mothers and facilitated infant birth weight regain in early postnatal days.

Lower blood sugar level: It is the 4-hydroxyisoleucine component of the seeds that stimulate the secretion of insulin which lowers blood sugar. It also slows down the digestive process which reduces sugar absorption. It reduces insulin resistance of cells. Recommended dose for diabetes is 500 mg of fenugreek two times a day.

 Fenugreek seed extract (Standardized for 1% 2% Trigonelline )

Reduce Cholesterol level: Research show that regular consumption of Fenugreek lowers cholesterol level. Reduces the level of LDL cholesterol significantly if used for a period of six months. It reduces the risk of heart attack by lowering cholesterol level. The powdered seeds can be taken as capsule or sprinkled over the food.

Protects from Cancer - Studies have shown that the fibers in fenugreek help prevent certain cancers. For example, researchers at Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, found that fenugreek has estrogenic effects and could be a possible alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Other studies have shown that saponins and mucilage in fenugreek bind to toxins in the food and flush them out, thus protecting the mucus membrane of the colon from cancers.

Maintains healthy Testosterone Levels - An Australian study reported significant positive effect of fenugreek on physiological aspects of male libido and also found that it may assist to maintain normal healthy testosterone levels. The study recruited 60 healthy males aged between 25 and 52, without erectile dysfunction and randomized to 2 tablets per day of 600mg Testofen (Fenugreek extract and mineral formulation) or placebo for 6 weeks. The researchers found that Testofen significantly increased sexual arousal and orgasm in the study men.

Aids Digestion - Fenugreek is said to be an effective heartburn or acid reflux remedy because the mucilage in fenugreek seeds assists in soothing gastrointestinal inflammation, and coating the stomach and intestinal lining.  According to a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, a 2-week intake of a fenugreek fiber product taken 30 minutes before two meals /day, by subjects with frequent heartburn, diminished heartburn severity. The researchers found that the effects were similar to that of ranitidine at 75mg, twice a day.

Where Can I Buy Fenugreek Seed Extract?
Cima Science Co., Ltd. as an innovator and developer of active ingredients for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics industries, can supply fenugreek seed extracts with trusted quality and moderate price. Coa/Spec, samples or other documents and materials will be provided upon your request. Please feel free to contact me: wang@cimasci.com