
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) --- Your Trusted Pain Killer

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)  

                                --- Your Trusted Pain Killer

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a body-own fatty acid compound, and is produced by our own living cells to restore balance in chronic pain and chronic inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties have been established over many decades since its first discovery in 1957.

PEA also has the chemical name n- (2-hydroxyethyl)hexadecanamide. 

PEA has been evaluated in a great number of scientific papers, more than 400! PEA is sometimes referred to as an ‘autocoid’. An autocoid is special modulating molecule, produced by our own tissue, and able to modify our own biological balance. PEA has been found useful in a variety of chronic diseases, amongst others in severe neuropathic pain, sciatic pain, prostate pain, pain after stroke and in MS and pelvic pain. Side effects are neglectable, due to the fact that this molecule is part of our own body. It has special analgesic properties, and in sciatic pain for instance, it is much more effective compared to the chemical analgesic Lyrica (pregabaline)!

PEA has been demonstrated in recent trials to decrease pain in diabetic neuropathic pain, zoster pain lumbosacral pain (sciatic pain), carpal tunnel syndrome and nervus medianus compression pain, endometriosis pains, menstrual pains, etc. It has been proven to be effective and safe in many different disorders, from chronic pains up to flu and common cold, due to its intrinsic anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Now PEA can also be considered as a breakthrough natural therapy for flu and common colds.

